3M Dyneon PTFE TF 9201(TF9201) Polytetrafluoroethylene Resin

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Product Details3M Dyneon PTFE


Product Details3M Dyneon PTFE

PTFE is a problem-solver. It helps architects push the boundaries of form and function. It helps keep vehicles on the road longer. And it helps protect equipment in extremely demanding operating conditions. Typical applications include seals, bearings, tubing, fibers, and coatings for woven fiberglass cloth. Dyneon PTFE can even be used as an additive to improve slip or wear characteristics in ink, plastics and lubricants.


-Exceptional chemical resistance

-Wide service temperature range

-Low coefficient of friction

-Low permeability

-Long service life

-Outstanding weather resistance

Typical applications

automotive components, architectural membranes and cookware.

3M Dyneon PTFE Series

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 2073Z

3M Dyneon TFM Modified PTFE 1705

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 1750

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 1641

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 9201Z

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 5060GZ

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 5033Z

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 2072Z

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 9205

3M Dyneon TFM Modified PTFE 1635

3M Dyneon TFM Modified PTFE 2001Z

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 1645

3M Dyneon TFM Modified PTFE 1700

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 2029Z

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 2025Z

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 1620

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 5070GZ

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 2053Z

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 2071USZ

3M Dyneon TFM Modified PTFE 1600

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 5035Z

3M Dyneon PTFE Micropowder TF 9207Z

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 5050Z

3M Dyneon TFM Modified PTFE 1610

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 9202Z

3M Dyneon PTFE Dispersion TF 5066GZ

3M Dyneon PTFE Dispersion TF 5135GZ

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 1702

3M Dyneon PTFE TF 9201

3M Dyneon TFM Modified PTFE 5001GZ

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3M Dyneon PTFE TF 9201(TF9201) Polytetrafluoroethylene Resin